TREK Bridge, Waterloo, WI
In 2012 we were called upon to assist TREK Bicycle Corporation with developing a mountain bike bridge crossing over the Maunesha River, across the highway from their corporate offices in Waterloo, WI. TREK was looking for an “off-road” path to get from their building to their mountain bike test track. The TREK bridge site presented numerous environmental and construction challenges because it is located within the floodplain and wetlands of the River. Another unique aspect of this project is the fact that TREK does not plan to build a road to access the bridge. Early project discussions included the possibility of a helicopter lift to place the 60 foot long steel bridge over the river. Working with TREK, and the approval agencies over a period of several years, SES has assisted TREK in obtaining Permits to construct the bridge from both WDNR and the US Army Corps of Engineers. Although fully permitted, the project has not yet been constructed, and is still under development.
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Let us put our 35+ years of private development experience to work for you.We want to search for the most Creative and Efficient solutions to Engineering Problems. We will join with other Specialists, who have a similar passion, to make custom Professional Consultant Teams to meet the needs of each Project. We will give you honest answers, and strive to treat you like we would want to be treated.